Jan PötterJan Pötter

Jan Pötter

Jan Pötter, Death of the Painter, 2020. Acryl on canvas, 24 x 30 cm


The Who Went Forth to Paint the Moor

4th – 25 th of October 2020


Jan Pötter (*1988 in Nordhorn) has dedicated the summer to an "aesthetic homeland research". The scholarship holder of the Emsländische Landschaft e. V. was at first a guest of Gut Altenkamp in Aschendorf. Since August he has been working in the temporary studio of the Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim. In diary entries and drawings, the artist hast recorded his impressions of the countryside in order to finally translate them into paintings.

Soft Opening at 4th of October 2020, 11 am – 6 pm

The artist will be present. In the course of the day the hunting horn players Lönsberg will open the exhibition musically.

Long Thursday at 8th October 2020, 6pm

Open evening with the new artistic director Muriel Meyer

Pötter up Platt at 11th October, 3 - 6 pm

Together with Heimatfreunde Neuenhaus e. V. , Jan Pötter reads Low German poetry by Karl Sauvagerd and others. Listening to the works invites the listener to find new connections while looking at the paintings and drawings.

The artist will be present.

"Heidemensch – Moormensch", Tagebuch Jan Pötter, 2020 (PDF, German) >>

AUDIO-GUIDE up Platt and German by Jan Pötter: